Joseph Philpot
Joseph Philpot (1802-1869) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1838 he was appointed the Pastor of the Churches at Oakham and Stamford, during which time he became acquainted with the Gospel Standard. In 1849, he was appointed the Editor for the Gospel Standard Magazine, a position he held for twenty-nine years (nine years as joint Editor and twenty years as sole Editor).
Joseph Philpot's Letters
Joseph Philpot's Sermons
The Life And Death Of Joseph Philpot
Before this No. of the "Gospel Standard" comes before its readers, the sad tidings will have spread far and wide that he who edited it for upwards of 20 years has been called away from the scene of his labours. His numerous friends, and those who loved and esteemed him for the truth's sake, will be looking for some little account of his last days; and one of his sorrowing children has written the following: Joseph Charles Philpot, the third son of the late Charles Philpot, Rector of Ripple and Vicar of St. Margaret at Cliffe, was born at Ripple, near Deal, Kent, on September 13th, 1802. He was educated at St. Paul's School, London, whence he proceeded to Worcester College, Oxford, where he had…
The Life And Ministry Of Joseph Philpot
A man of great grace, profound learning, and with a literary style equal to any of his contemporaries. For twenty years he was editor of the "Gospel Standard," in which his New Year's Addresses, Meditations, Reviews, and Answers to Correspondents were outstanding features. His ten volumes of sermons, entitled "The Gospel Pulpit," and his four volumes of "Early Sermons," testify to his powers as an expositor of the Word, to the beauty of his illustrations, and the heart-searching character of his ministry. He was born at Ripple, Kent, where his father was rector, and educated at Merchant Taylor's and St. Paul's schools, entering at Oxford University in 1821, taking a first-class, and ultimately becoming Fellow of his College. He accepted an engagement in Ireland as…
The Dangers Of Associations And Mission Boards
“Foreign Missions.” A tract bearing [this] title, and dated "Chatteris Committee, Oct. 6, 1840, “has been forwarded to us, by a correspondent, for an opinion of it in our pages. It is not indeed our usual practice to travel out of our road to pronounce a judgment on works not sent to us expressly for review, but we feel ourselves justified in this particular instance in departing from our accustomed rule. Our wide circulation amongst the living family, and, we trust we may add, our influence amongst them, have put us into a position which we did not occupy at the outset. If the Lord has set us upon a watch tower, if He has given us all any measure of spiritual discernment, or endowed…
The New Covenant And The Blood Of Sprinkling
A Sermon Preached By Joseph Philpot At North Street Chapel, Stamford, on Lord's Day Morning, March 31, 1861 "And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel." Hebrews 12:24 In the two verses immediately preceding our text, the apostle holds up to our view a rich cluster of gospel blessings as the happy and enduring portion of the redeemed and regenerated family of God. But in order to bring them more vividly and impressively before our eyes, he draws a contrast between the two dispensations—that of the law and that of the gospel; his intention being thereby to show more clearly and effectually that the believer in Christ is delivered from…
The Cause Of True Religion
March 30, 1835. My dear sister Fanny,—The tidings I am about to communicate may concern you more than surprise you. After many trials of mind about it, I have come to the resolution of seceding from the Church of England. In fact I have already resigned my curacy, and shall, in a day or two, give up my Fellowship. I could have wished to have retained my income and independence, but, as I could not do so with a good conscience, I was compelled to give it up. The errors and corruptions of the Church of England are so great and numerous that a man, with a conscience made tender by the blessed Spirit, cannot, after a certain time, remain within her pale. And though…
The Free, Eternal, Sovereign And Unalterable Love Of God
December 12, 1834. My dear Mrs. Rackham,—Having an opportunity of sending a letter to town, I avail myself of it to redeem my promise of writing to you. You are now, doubtless, thoroughly settled in your new abode, and in some measure reconciled to your mode of life. The noise and bustle of Rochester must have seemed very strange to you at first, and I dare say you have often turned in thought to your former quiet abode, where almost the only noise was from the brook that ran by your window. But if faith is in exercise, the hand of God will be seen in this change. And besides, what does it really matter where we spend the few years of our pilgrimage here…