Joseph Cannon
Joseph Cannon (?-1891) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served as Gospel Minister for the church meeting at Rehoboth, New Swindon.
The Life And Ministry Of Joseph Cannon
He was born at Offley, Herts., and, like all the rest of Adam's posterity, soon manifested that the heart is corrupt. At an early age he ran away from home, and got to London. He was standing under a bridge at 4 o'clock in the morning, when a dairyman, seeing him, asked him what he was doing there? He told him that he wanted work; and when asked what he could do, he replied, "Anything." So the dairyman gave him work, and he found a good master in him, and remained with him until he lost nearly all his cows by disease, when he told him that he must seek for a fresh place, but might stay until he could suit himself. But such was…