Joseph Billing
Joseph Billing (1817-1908) was a Strict and Particular Baptist deacon. For sixty-five years he belonged as a member of various Strict Baptist churches, serving as deacon for almost twenty-five years the church meeting at the Old Baptist Chapel. In 1843, he started a printing business which would later be known as the “London Printing Works”. Although he exercised a gift in preaching, he never presided as pastor over a church. As a successful business man, he was a regular subscriber to the Strict Baptist Mission and the Aged Pilgrims’ Friends Society.
The Life And Ministry Of Joseph Billing
Mr. Joseph Billing has gone from us, and is now at home with the Lord. Born in Bermondsey, he was the son of Mr. Thomas Billing who, for many years, was connected with the Printers’ Pension Society. The fear of God was planted in early life in his soul, and we have heard him tell with that pathos that moved our hearts with a strange feeling of Divine fervour, how, as an earnest Churchman, he paid a visit to Bath on business, and whilst on the coach, just before reaching the city, he lifted up his heart in prayer to be guided to comfortable apartments, and how he was directed to the house of some godly Baptists, who during his stay, "They took him unto…