John Warburton Jr.
John Warburton Jr.(1815-1892) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He was the youngest of ten children belonging to John Warburton (1776-1857) of Zion, Trowbridge. For fifty years John Jr. served as pastor for the church meeting at Southill, Bedfordshire.
A Book Review: Memorials Of The Late John Warburton
All who cherish the memory of our now glorified friend, Mr. John Warburton, of Southill, will, we are sure, speedily purchase his autobiography just published, and will thank the editor of it, Mr. C. Hemington, of Devizes, for the able and faithful manner in which he has discharged his work. We have perused the volume with much real pleasure and profit, and heartily commend it to the careful reading of all our friends. The Letters and Meditations it contains are full of precious truth, and well calculated to meet the varied experiences of the tried family of God. Mr. Hemington, in his excellent preface to the work, says "Mr. Warburton was, in fact, a remarkable man in many ways, and take him for all in…
The Life And Ministry Of John Warburton Jr.
The Late Mr. John Warburton, Minister Of The Gospel, Southill, Beds. "God hath His mysteries of grace; ways that we cannot tell; He hides them deep as the sacred sleep of him He loved so well." The death of Mr. John Warburton removes from our midst one of the most faithful and laborious Strict and Particular Baptist ministers of this country and of this age. The cause at Southill and the pulpits for many miles round have lost a familiar character. Mr. Warburton was no ordinary man. In the pulpit he was bold, lively, cheerful, and intrepid; his style was easy, methodical, and original. He was always himself, and never sought to imitate any but Christ and His apostles, and never hesitated to utter what…
The Life And Death Of John Warburton Jr.
The lamented death of our dear friend, John Warburton, will lead our readers to feel an especial interest in the portrait and sketch which we give in this number. The father of our friend thus writes concerning the subject of this memoir, in his "Mercies of a Covenant God”:— "I shall now relate another sore trial that I passed through, which was one of the keenest I ever had in all my life, so much so that at times I felt as if my very heartstrings were breaking. It was respecting my son John, who is the youngest of ten children now living. I agreed with a person in Trowbridge, who was a tailor, to teach him the business, to whom he went for a…