Johann Gerhard Oncken: Germany’s Baptist Pioneer
The ‘Enlightenment’ that brought a deluge of immorality The French occupation of Germany under Napoleon’s Dictatorship caused political, social and religious unrest which lasted well into the present century. The…
34 Bible Doctrine – The Believer’s Rule Of Conduct
I would like to welcome you back to another study in Bible Doctrine. In our previous two studies, I have been looking at the three controversial issues which separate 17th…
A Few Thoughts On Salvation
From whom? From Him whose commandments I have so willfully broken, and whose authority I have rebelled against? From Him whose countless benefits I have received without noticing the hand…
Article 14 – The Intermediate State Of The Dead In Christ
Articles Of The Faith And Order Of A Primitive Or Strict And Particular Baptist Church Of The Lord Jesus Christ, Based On The Declaration Of Faith And Practice Of John…
Here We Stand
New Focus Magazine is purposefully and plainly a sovereign grace publication. We seek with every edition to uphold, explain, promote and preach the message of God’s free grace in Christ…
The Life And Ministry Of William Krause
The eight or nine volumes of sermons and lectures by William H. Krause, M.A. (1797-1852), of Dublin, published after his death, are most valuable. They are models of expository preaching…
John Tyler
John Tyler (1912-1989) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He was appointed the Pastor of Zoar Strict Baptist Chapel, The Dicker (Sussex), serving in this capacity for fifty years.
John Tyler Sermons
Suffer It To Be So Now
April 17, 2021 /