John Stevens

John Stevens (1776-1847) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1811 he was appointed pastor of the church meeting at Grafton Street, London. He is the author of “Help For The True Disciples Of Immanuel”, a work which uproots the pernicious teachings of Andrew Fuller. However, throughout the course of his ministry, he entertained some dangerous ideas. Foremost was the notion that the human nature of Christ is pre-existent, a position that cannot be maintained scripturally or logically. In 1809, he also published “Doctrinal Antinomianism Refuted, And The Old Law Established In A New Relation.” This book was written in opposition to William Gadsby’s position that the gospel is the rule of conduct for the believer’s life, not the moral law. However, rather than overthrowing Gadsby’s teachings, he wound up undermining the gospel he sought to defend. Nevertheless, in the whole, Stevens “was an unflinching advocate for the doctrines of grace”.

  • John Stevens

    The Life And Death Of John Stevens

    John Stevens, Baptist. Sacred is the memory of the Rev. John Stevens, who exchanged mortality for immortal vigour, and for a crown of life, after a long affliction of excruciating pain from the stone, &c., under which he enjoyed great supports, lively joys, and strong comforts; composedly and resignedly waiting and wishing for the uninterrupted enjoyment of his covenant God, whom living, he delighted to proclaim; whom dying he glorified, October 17, 1778, aged 56.—Rev. 14:13, “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, from henceforth; yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.” “Look up my friends, pant towards the eternal hills, Those heavens are fairer than they seem; There pleasures all sincere glide…

  • John Stevens

    The Life And Ministry Of John Stevens

    John Stevens was born at Aldwinkle, Northamptonshire, June 8th, 1776. During his early years he resided with his grandfather, but subsequently went to his father's, and learnt his business of a shoemaker. His father and family were all church people, and John, of course, attended church with them. "When about 10, he went to London, with a view of improving himself in his business; and there, it is believed, commenced his connection with dissenters. Referring to this period, and writing on the 8th of June, 1832, Mr. S. says, "This day I have been 56 years in this sinful world. I have been the subject of serious thoughts and desires more than 40 years." In a little time after his arrival in London, he attended…