John Smith

John Smith (1850-?) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served as pastor for the church meeting at Winchester.

  • John Smith

    The Life And Ministry Of John Smith

    Dear Christian Brother,—According to your most unexpected request, I herewith give a few jottings to accompany portrait, and in so doing hope good may come to some who shall read, and God be glorified. I was born in the year 1850. Very early in years I was the subject of religious impressions, and was led to desire an experience of Christ's love to me and an interest in His forgiveness. This may, to some extent, be instanced by the following circumstance, still fresh in my memory. My eldest sister used always to see that I was safely in bed at night, being for many years in very weak health. One night I said to her, "I have nightly repeated the Lord's prayer, F——. Cannot you…