John Rusk

John Rusk (1772-1834) was a sovereign grace believer. Although he was not a preacher of the gospel, being a sail-maker by trade, yet he contributed many articles on biblical subjects, printed in magazines such as the Gospel Standard.

  • John Rusk

    The Diary Of John Rusk

    1807, Sunday, Aug. 23rd, was a very uncomfortable day to me, and I know the cause; for "the backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways." Mr. Brook preached in the morning from these words: "A man shall be a hiding-place from the wind, and a covert from the storm;" but I cannot say I got much. In the evening, he preached from, "When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man." I was shaken when he gave out the text. It was thus suggested to me: "Now, do you think you can stand this? Here is to be a searching discourse; and how if you are forced to go out, unable to stand it?" Here Satan plied me hard: and I…

  • John Rusk

    The Life And Testimony Of John Rusk

    Tuesday, March 25, 1834. When I came home' from chapel I found my poor husband very ill. I went no more to chapel while he lived. He continued to get worse every day. His bodily sufferings were very great; his throat was so sore and burning, that for weeks he was not able to swallow anything, but was constantly spitting, with a dreadful cough, fearing he would break a blood-vessel, or burst something in his head. He had shocking nights with bodily pain, and he suffered greatly in his soul. Satan was permitted sorely to try him; he suggested to him that all his experience was vain, only notional, that he never had a change of heart, that he was destitute of charity; that he…