John Nuttall

John Nuttall (1793-1868) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. He sat under the gospel ministry of William Gadbsy, enjoying membership at the church in Manchester for many years.

  • John Nuttall

    The Life And Testimony Of John Nuttall

    The round of his earthly pilgrimage may be compassed in a few words. He was born at Bacup, Lancashire, and, step after step, removed to dough Fold, Sabden, Burnley, again to Bacup, then to Church Bank, Goodshaw Fold, and to Bacup again, then to Height Side, Whitewell Bottom, and thence to Manchester, where now his mortal remains rest in Machpelah, where many a Jacob and Sarah rest in hope. When he was four years of age, his life hung in human balances for death by burning; but, in the decree of heaven, just as safe as before the fire kindled upon him. His times were in the Lord's hand. At five years of age, he began to work for his daily bread, which he continued…