John Mosley

John Mosley (1805-1866) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served 25 years as an itinerate minister of the gospel, exhorting and comforting the brethren gathered in the Lancashire and Yorkshire areas.

  • John Mosley

    The Life And Ministry Of John Mosley

    He was a preacher of the Gospel, and was a very useful man as a supply to the many churches which are without a stated minister in both Lancashire and Yorkshire. He was upon the walls of Zion for about 25 years, and his usefulness is best known in those places where he was called to preach. He maintained the doctrines of grace in his ministry, not only in the theory, but truly so, as being clearly revealed in the heart. He also preached an experimental religion, as well as a practical one, in harmony with the glorious doctrines of sovereign grace. His ministry, upon the whole, was well received by the lovers of truth, but some of his friends used to say sometimes that…