John Moore

John Moore (1662-1726) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1700, he was appointed pastor of the church meeting at Northampton, a position he held for twenty-six years. That he was a High-Calvinist preacher is clear from Anne Dutton’s testimony, who sat under his gospel ministry—“The Lord Jesus, my chief shepherd, led me by the ministry of his servant and under shepherd, Mr. Moore, into fat green pastures. The doctrines of the Gospel were clearly stated, and much insisted on in his ministry.” She recorded a similar testimony regarding the gospel labours of John Brine, whose church she joined after moving to London. Incidentally, Mr. Moore’s daughter became the wife of Mr. Brine, whose funeral sermon is archived under her name. 

  • John Moore

    The Life And Ministry Of John Moore

    It was amongst you that I drew my first natural breath, being born at Okeworth Hall, in the parish of Keighley, Yorkshire, in 1662. It was amongst you that I had my education in my childhood and youth, under the care of my religious parent, and by instruction and tutorage, chiefly and especially Mr. W. Hustler, of Bingley, Yorkshire. It was from amongst you that I took a damsel to wife, who, as a faithful consort and helpmeet, indeed hath ever since to this day been my companion, in my pilgrimage and removing from place to place in prosperity and in adversity. It was amongst you that I drew my first spiritual breath, being convinced of my undone state under sin and the law, as…