John MacGowan

John MacGowan (1726-1780) was a Particular Baptist preacher and author. In 1766, he was appointed pastor of the church meeting at Devonshire-square, London (a chapel that was opened by William Kiffin in 1687).

  • John MacGowan

    The Life And Death Of John MacGowan

    John MacGowan was born in Edinburgh about the year 1726. But little information can be obtained respecting his early life. After receiving a common school education, he was placed out to the trade of a weaver. In early life he connected himself with the Wesleyan Methodists, and became a preacher among them. Embracing the Calvinistic system, he joined the Independents, and at length the particular Baptists. For some years he was settled with the Baptist Church at Bridgenorth, in Shropshire. At length discouraged by the want of success, he was desirous of leaving; and this being known, led the Baptist Church at Devonshire Square, London, to give him an invitation; and his ministry being acceptable, he received an invitation to the pastoral office. He was…

  • John MacGowan

    The Life And Legacy Of John MacGowan

    Mr. MacGowan was one of the most valuable Christian companions I ever had the honor of an intimacy with. He was the amiable Christian, the sincere friend, and the faithful minister of the gospel. No one more sensibly felt the loss of him than myself. Infrequently visited him, when he took occasion, as opportunity offered, of opening to me his whole heart. At one time, he was in great darkness of soul, and lamented exceedingly the withdrawings of God's presence. Two things, he said, had deeply exercised his thoughts; one was, how those heavy and complicated afflictions which God had seen fit to lay upon him could work so as to promote his real good; and the other, that God, his best Friend, should keep…

  • John MacGowan

    The Life And Ministry Of John MacGowan

    John MacGowan (1726–1780), baptist minister, was born in 1726 at Edinburgh. After receiving a good education, he was apprenticed to a weaver. He subsequently settled in Bridge Street, Warrington, as a baker. He had early become a Wesleyan, and now joined the methodist movement as a preacher. At a later period he was attracted by the independents, but finally joined the particular baptists. He ministered at the old baptist chapel at Hill Cliff, near Warrington, and afterwards at Bridgnorth (Notes and Queries, 5th ser. vii. 75).

  • John MacGowan

    The Life And Testimony Of John MacGowan

    Mr. John MacGowan, known to the world as the author of ‘Dialogues of Devils,’ and other ingenious works, was a Baptist minister, and pastor of the church meeting in Devonshire-square, London. In the early part of his life he was in connection with the Wesleyan Methodists, but after his mind was enlightened to see the glory of sovereign grace, he zealously and publicly preached all those important truths which the Particular Baptists at that time steadily maintained.  [Mr. Macgowan’s views of the distinguishing doctrines of the gospel may be collected from the following pathetic lines, which he composed on the death of Dr. Gill. I quote them with much approbation, excepting the allusion to Elijah and Elisha, which appears to savour too much of the…