John Lynn

John Hunt Lynn (1845-?) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He began his gospel labours among the Lord’s people congregated in places such as Bethesda, Trowbridge; Westbourne Hall, Bayswater; Broadhempston, Devonshire; Zoar, Exeter; Trinity, Plymouth; Enon, Woolwich; Forest-lane (now Gurney-road), Stratford; Zion, Deptford; and Dacre-park.

  • John Lynn

    The Life And Ministry Of John Lynn

    I was born in 1845, at Kingsland, and was the first son in a numerous family: a child over whom much prayer was offered by my father, and by others at Trinity, Hackney, where he was a member under the hallowed ministry of Mr. Hughes. Thence we removed to Camberwell. For a brief period "The Grove" was the spiritual lodge; and on a visit to the Sunday-school, when but five years of age (the only occasion of my entering a Sunday-school until I became a teacher), the Spirit of God revealed to me the sinfulness of my nature, under a lucid exposition of the necessity of the new birth as set forth by the Lord to Nicodemus. We then went to East-street, Walworth. ''Big-hearted" Jeffrey…