John Jones

John Andrews Jones (1779-1868) was a High-Calvinist Particular Baptist preacher and author. He served as pastor for the churches meeting at (1) Stonehouse, Devonshire; (2) Beccles, Suffolk; (3) North Road, Brentford; (4) Brick Lane, Old Street. He is best known for authoring ‘Bunhill Memorials’. It should be noted, Jones stood on the side of those who denied the eternal Sonship of Christ. He affirmed: “I not only maintain the essential Diety of the Father, but equally so of the Son, and Holy Spirit: equal in eternity; equally possessed of Divine attributes; bearing Divine and infinite names; entitled to, receiving, and that justly, Divine honours, adoration, and praise. One in nature as in essence: not existing one from another, such as the Son being in the Divine nature, begotten of the Father; and then the Holy Ghost proceeding (as God) from both.” On the other side of the doctrine, Joseph Philpot affirmed: “We are grieved to see an old error now brought forward and, we fear, spreading, which, however speciously covered up, is really nothing less than denying the Son of God. The error we mean is the denial of the eternal Sonship of the Lord Jesus Christ, as the Only-begotten of the Father before the foundation of the world…The fundamental doctrine of the Trinity [cannot] be maintained except by holding the eternal Sonship of Christ. There are two errors of an opposite nature as regards the doctrine of the Trinity: 1. One is Tritheism, or setting up three distinct Gods; the other, 2. Sabellianism, which holds that there is but one God under three different names. Each of these errors destroys the Trinity in Unity, the first by denying the Unity of the Essence, the second by denying the Trinity of the Persons. There are four leading ways in which erroneous men have, at different periods of the church’s history, sought to nullify the vital doctrine of the eternal Sonship of Jesus:— 1. Some place the Sonship of Christ in His incarnation, as if He was not the Son of God before He assumed our nature in the womb of the Virgin. 2. Another error on this important point is that the Lord Jesus is the Son of God by the resurrection from the dead. 3. Another erroneous view of the Sonship of Christ is that He is so by virtue of His exaltation to the right hand of God. 4. But there is another way in which erroneous men seek to explain, and by explaining deny, the eternal Sonship of the Lord Jesus, and that is, by asserting that He is a Son by office. These points, then, we consider to have been already fully established by us from the Word of truth: 1, that Jesus is the Son of God; 2, that He is not the Son of God by the assumption of human nature, or by the resurrection, or by sitting at God’s right hand, or by virtue of any covenant name, title, or office; 3, that He was the Son of God before He came into the world; and 4, that consequently He is the Son of God in His divine nature. [These erroneous teachers] censure the Arminians for saying that they cannot receive election because it contradicts their first notions, their primary, fundamental principles, both of the justice and love of God; and yet [they], on precisely similar grounds, reject the eternal Sonship of Christ, as contradicting [their] natural views of priority and posteriority. So the Jews rejected and crucified the Lord of life and glory, because His appearance in the flesh as a poor carpenter’s son contradicted all their pre-conceived opinions of the dignity and glory of the promised Messiah; and in a similar way infidels reject miracles as contrary to their fundamental opinions of the laws of nature being unalterable. Thus to reject the eternal Sonship of the blessed Lord merely because it contradicts some of [their] preconceived opinions is most dangerous ground to take, and is to set up [their] authority against that of the Word of truth.”

  • John Jones

    A Confession Of Faith, By John Andrews Jones

    Christian Reader,— It is not my present intention to give you a narration of my long and eventful life, which has already been extended four years beyond the usual full limit of human existence: (Psa. 90:10) This I may yet do, if a little longer spared, in a series of Letters to one of my children, and leave it behind me as a memorial of sovereign goodness to one who is unworthy of any mercy. All I shall now say, is,—In my early life I was of the baneful deistical school; and although I cannot say with the Apostle, that, “I persecuted this way unto the death, (Acts 22:4) yet, all that I could do, by ridicule, and opposition to the sacred Scriptures, that I…

  • John Jones,  William Styles

    The Life And Legacy Of John Jones

    The Christians whose sentiments are advocated in this magazine are at once the oldest and the youngest section of the denomination to which they belong. They are the oldest, for they are, in all essential respects, identical with the Particular Baptists of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. They are the youngest, for they did not assume their present distinct position until the popularity of the doctrinal views of Andrew Fuller (originally promulgated in 1782) and the spread of the practice of open communion (first introduced by Robert Hall about the year 1816) compelled them to make a stand for the faith and order of the Gospel and to withdraw from all ecclesiastical connection with those who had so widely departed from the tenets of their…

  • John Jones

    The Life And Death Of John Jones

    The Death Of Mr. John Andrews Jones, Of Jireh Chapel, East Road, City Road While busily engaged in writing, a note came to hand which authorises us to announce that the patriarchal metropolitan Baptist minister—John Andrews Jones—has been removed from this world, where for more than eighty-eight years he was an inhabitant. The note referred to, says,— “260, Oxford street, July 15th, 1868. “Mr. C. W. Banks,—It is my painful duty to inform you of the death of Mr. J. A. Jones, which occured this morning at three o’clock. You will not be surprised, knowing he had been so long laid aside. Kindly insert some notice in the Vessel. I am, dear sir, yours truly, “A. Clark.” Thus the oldest head of a long-standing race…

  • John Jones

    The History Of Fullerism

    The question on whether it be the duty of unregenerate sinners to believe on Christ to the saving of their souls] has been irrefutably, because scripturally, answered again and again, by most able writers in their day and generation. I have a treatise on the subject, written 123 years ago (1738), by Mr. Wayman, of Kimbolton, in reply to a Mr. Morris, of Rowell; which sets the question at rest. But the Baptist churches (generally speaking) were sound in the faith until about the year 1776, when three young men scraped an acquaintance, and became very intimate. Their names were John Sutcliffe, aged 24; John Ryland, jun., aged 23; and Andrew Fuller, Aged 22. This trio met together for the first time on May 28,…

  • John Jones

    The Life And Ministry Of John Jones

    John Andrews Jones (1779–1868), baptist minister and author, born on 10 Oct. 1779 at Bristol, was the son of a manufacturing tobacconist. He was educated in Colston's Charity School, Bristol (3 Sept. 1789–31 Dec. 1794), and was apprenticed to a Bristol merchant, but from 1801 to 1813 was employed as a bookbinder at Guildford, Surrey. In early life he was, according to his own confession, ‘of the baneful deistical school,’ but was converted to baptist principles in 1807 by John Gill, pastor of the baptist church at St. Albans, Hertfordshire. He was baptised (3 July 1808) in the old meeting-house at Guildford, and six months later began to preach in the surrounding district, and to write for the ‘Gospel Magazine’ in May 1811. After preaching…