John Baker
John Baker (1820-1897) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. He belonged to the church meeting at Eaton Bray, Bedfordshire, bearing a good testimony in Christ and a lover of free sovereign grace.
The Life And Testimony Of John Baker
He was born of God-fearing parents, and brought up to attend the cause of truth then held in a cottage, before the present chapel at Eaton Bray was built; but when older in years he would go no longer, but spent the Lord's days in sin and folly. It is believed that the Lord first met with him at a funeral, and convinced him of sin and judgment to come, which brought out of his soul many cries for mercy. And busy one day at work, while in this state of condemnation, not knowing what to do, the Holy Spirit brought to his mind some words which he had often heard spoken from the pulpit when he attended the chapel years before, which were, "Friends,…