Job Teall

Job Teall (1799-1866) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served as the pastor for the church meeting at Zion Chapel, Sandwich, Kent.

  • Job Teall

    The Life And Ministry Of Job Teall

    For some time past he had been suffering from excessive nervous debility and an affection of the heart. He felt persuaded in his own mind that his end was drawing nigh, and that it would be sudden; and so it proved. On the morning of the 28th of November, he remarked to the partner of his life, "You will not have to prepare any more breakfasts for me, my dear;" but she, having heard so many similar remarks on former occasions, paid no particular heed to it, attributing it to his nervous debility. He left his dwelling-house during the morning, intending to call upon a Mr. Ratcliffe, a baker, nearly opposite, when he was seen to fall; and upon friends going to his assistance, the…