Jared Smith

Jared Smith served twenty years as pastor of a Strict and Particular Baptist church in Kensington (London, England). He now serves as an Evangelist in the Philippines, preaching the gospel, organizing churches and training gospel preachers.

Jared Smith on Eldership
Jared Smith on the Biblical Covenants
Jared Smith on the Gospel Law
Jared Smith on the Gospel Message
Jared Smith on Various Issues
Jared Smith, Covenant Baptist Church, Philippines
Jared Smith on Bible Doctrine
Jared Smith on Bible Reading
Jared Smith's Studies in Romans
Jared Smith's Hymn Studies
Jared Smith's Maternal Ancestry (Complete)
Jared Smith's Sermons

  • Jared Smith's Sermons

    More Evidence Of Regeneration

    This sermon addresses the following points: • Abel was one of God’s elect people • Abel knew he was one of God’s elect people because he had been born again • Abel knew he had been born again because the Spirit of God bore witness with his spirit that he was a child of God • Abel knew he had been born again because he exercised saving faith in the redemptive work of Christ • Abel knew he had been born again because he lived as a stranger and a pilgrim on the earth • Distinguishing between the career paths of Cain and Abel, showing how farming was linked with false religion, whereas shepherding was linked with true religion • Tracing these career paths to…

  • Jared Smith's Sermons

    How Do I Know I Am God’s Elect?

    This sermon addresses the following points: • The sinner cannot know he/she is numbered among God’s elect people based on outward signs, religious acts or advanced education • The meaning of “vessels of gold and silver” referenced by the Apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 2:20 • The meaning of regeneration • An explanation of Christ’s analogy of the new birth, as referenced in John 3:1-8 • An explanation of Christ’s analogy of the engrafted branch, as referenced in John 15:5 • The leading evidence that a sinner has been regenerated • An explanation of the Spirit bearing witness with the sinner’s spirit, that he/she is a child of God, as referenced in Romans 8:16 • An explanation of God sending forth the Spirit into the…

  • Jared Smith's Sermons

    Election And Reprobation (3)

    This sermon is the continuation of the previous study which sought to affirm the doctrine of election. The following points are addressed: • The person who taught the Apostle Paul about the analogy of the potter and the clay • The Covenant of Grace is identified by the analogy of vessels • Justification and redemption are founded upon the doctrine of election • Israel as a nation (under the Mosaic Covenant) is an object lesson of God’s elect people under the Covenant of Grace • Election is according to the good pleasure of God the Father’s will, to the praise of the glory of His grace • Election includes the believer’s sanctification (growth in grace) • Election guarantees regeneration, without which no sinner can see…

  • Jared Smith's Sermons

    Election And Reprobation (2)

    This study addresses the following points: • A review on the framework of God the Father’s blueprint for the ages—this framework sets forth the Supralapsarian view of God’s decree. The term Supralapsarian means, “Supra” (before), “laps” (the fall), “arian” (an advocate). It refers to the logical order of God’s eternal decree, and those who subscribe to it. • Linking the “respect” God had for Abel in Genesis 4 with the “vessels of honor” in Romans 9; and connecting the “non-respect” God had towards Cain with the “vessels of dishonor” in Romans 9 • Affirming the doctrine of reprobation based on the teachings of Jeremiah, Paul and Jude • Affirming the doctrine of election based on the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ

  • Jared Smith's Sermons

    Election And Reprobation (1)

    This study addresses the following points: • The definitions of election and reprobation • What it means that God had respect unto Abel, but He had not respect unto Cain • How Cain and Abel represent the two groups of the human race—the elect and the non-elect • How the Apostle Paul illustrated the doctrines of election and reprobation • Identifying the vessels of honor and the vessels of dishonor, together with the vessels of mercy and the vessels of wrath • The distinction between national Israel and spiritual Israel • The relationship between Cain/Abel, Ishmael/Isaac and Esau/Jacob • Why election is a fundamental teaching of gospel truth (and its implications) • Why reprobation is a fundamental teaching of Bible truth (and its implications) •…