Jared Smith
Jared Smith served twenty years as pastor of a Strict and Particular Baptist church in Kensington (London, England). He now serves as an Evangelist in the Philippines, preaching the gospel, organizing churches and training gospel preachers.
Jared Smith's Online Worship Services
Jared Smith's Sermons
Jared Smith on the Gospel Message
Jared Smith on the Biblical Covenants
Jared Smith on the Gospel Law
Jared Smith on Bible Doctrine
Jared Smith on Bible Reading
Jared Smith's Hymn Studies
Jared Smith on Eldership
Jared Smith's Studies In Genesis
Jared Smith's Studies in Romans
Jared Smith on Various Issues
Jared Smith, Covenant Baptist Church, Philippines
Jared Smith's Maternal Ancestry (Complete)
Study 2: Greetings, Brethren (1:1-17)
This study considers the introduction of Paul's letter to the church at Rome. The first seventeen verses of chapter one are examined in light of the Framework of Sovereign Grace.
A Very Strange Sound In Our Ears
Strange things I've heard Reformed Baptists say: "We must believe like John Calvin, but evangelize like James Arminius!" "If it were not for Paedobaptism, I would be a Presbyterian!" "A church is at high risk of pastoral dictatorship unless more than one pastor is appointed." "Christians need the church like babies need milk...it is their nourishment for life." "Hyper-calvinists have no urgency to preach the gospel to dying sinners," said one while spending a day visiting with me in the sitting room, instead of urgently preaching the gospel to my neigbors. "It is the unbeliever's duty to believe on Christ, and the believer's duty to obey the [moral] law!" "God wants you to come to Christ; the only thing keeping you from salvation is your…
Study 1: An Overview Of The Letter And Its Alignment With The Framework Of Sovereign Grace
A commentary styled series of studies which expounds Paul's epistle to the church at Rome, according to its leading structure and against the backdrop of the framework of sovereign grace. For this study, an overview structure for the letter is presented, together with its alignment to the masterplan of God for the ages.
Let Us Therefore Come Boldly
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • Identifying the main structure of Hebrews 4:14-16 • Examining Paul’s purpose for writing the Epistle to the Hebrews • Explaining how the gospel of grace in the New Testament is the same gospel of grace in the Old Testament • Highlighting the three offices ordained by God to meet the sinner’s need—(1) king, to rule the sinner; (2) prophet, to represent God to the sinner; (3) priest, to represent the sinner to God • Highlighting the three parts to the office of priest • Explaining how Jesus, the Son of God, perfectly fulfills the three parts as the sinner’s great high priest • Connecting the intercession of Christ with the petitions of His people • Explaining…
Could The Creatures Help Or Ease Us
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • This hymn speaks about the indispensable duty and exceptional privilege of God’s people to petition the Lord in time of need • Explaining where the doctrine of petition fits within the framework of sovereign grace • The first stanza emphasizes the necessity of God’s people to petition the Lord—the believer is rebuked for self-sufficiency, designed to produce conviction (a wounding of the heart) • The first four lines of the first stanza speak about the inadequacy of helpers other than God; the last four lines speak about the folly of forgetting God • The second stanza is an encouragement for God’s people to petition the Lord—the believer is put in remembrance of God’s all-sufficiency, designed to…