Jared Smith
Jared Smith served twenty years as pastor of a Strict and Particular Baptist church in Kensington (London, England). He now serves as an Evangelist in the Philippines, preaching the gospel, organizing churches and training gospel preachers.
Jared Smith on Eldership
Jared Smith on the Biblical Covenants
Jared Smith on the Gospel Law
Jared Smith on the Gospel Message
Jared Smith on Various Issues
Jared Smith, Covenant Baptist Church, Philippines
Jared Smith on Bible Doctrine
Jared Smith on Bible Reading
Jared Smith's Studies in Romans
Jared Smith's Hymn Studies
Jared Smith's Maternal Ancestry (Complete)
Jared Smith's Sermons
Study 6: Secret Rebellion (2:17-3:8)
This study examines Paul's challenge to the Jewish people as a nation, as they then existed when his letter to church at Rome was written. He charges them with hypocrisy and ignorance. Hypocrisy, because they were law breakers though they sat in judgment of the Gentiles; Ignorance, because they were law perverters, substituting God's masterplan for the ages with that of their own. An application is drawn from this teaching in the modern context of denominationalism.
“Strict” The label refers to the doctrine of Close(d) Communion. 1. Churches which open the Lord’s Table to all who profess faith in Christ are called Open Communionists. Technically, however, they also observe a restricted Table since they make as a prerequisite one's profession of faith in Christ. 2. Churches which put further restrictions on the Table are called Close(d) Communionists. (1) Close Communionists welcome to the Table those who profess faith in Christ and have been baptized; or, those who profess faith Christ, have been baptized and members of churches belonging to the same faith and order. (2) Closed Communionists welcome to the Table those who are in membership with that particular local church. Although I believe Closed Communion to be aligned with scripture,…
Study 5: The Laws Of God (2:1-16)
This study explores the differences between the Jews and the Gentiles; between the Covenant of Works and the Mosaic Covenant; between the heart law and the Mosaic Law; between the spiritually elect and the spiritually non-elect.
Study 4: Open Rebellion (1:18-32)
This study looks into the depravity of the human heart as it manifests itself in open rebellion against God. The subject is aligned with the Framework of Sovereign Grace, demonstrating where Paul's teachings fit within the masterplan of God for the ages.
The Articles Of Faith For The Strict Baptist Chapel At Carlton, Bedford
The church of Christ meeting at Carlton, Bedford came together in 1672, when Gideon Fisher’s house was licensed for Congregational worship. In 1760, the congregation moved to a new chapel in Causeway with a seating capacity of 700 people. The late Kenneth Dix, chairman for the Strict Baptist Historical Society, served as pastor for this church between the years 1967 and 1970. During the early 1990’s, the congregation amalgamated with Harrold Evangelical Church, now known as the Grace Baptist Church meeting in the Old Mission Hall in Harrold High Street. The chapel was sold in the early 2000’s, converted to a private residence. The church was aligned with the teachings of the Strict and Particular Baptists, at least until the mid-20th century. The fourteenth pastor of…
The Life and Ministry Of Frank Grimwood
The congregation meeting at Bethesda Chapel, Notting Hill Gate, London, was organized in 1866 around the teachings of the Strict and Particular Baptists. The first pastor, Mr. David Crumpton, served the office for six years, during which time he partnered with Mr. John Hazelton when organizing the Metropolitan Association of Strict Baptist Churches. Four more pastors followed before the turn of the century, leaving the office vacant between the years 1898-1907. It was then Mr. Frank Grimwood was appointed the pastor, serving the office for twenty-one years. In the year 1900, seven years before taking the oversight of Bethesda Chapel, Mr. Micthell, on behalf of the Earthen Vessel, requested Mr. Grimwood submit a short testimony of his life and ministry. This background may be of…