Jared Smith
Jared Smith served twenty years as pastor of a Strict and Particular Baptist church in Kensington (London, England). He now serves as an Evangelist in the Philippines, preaching the gospel, organizing churches and training gospel preachers.
Jared Smith on Eldership
Jared Smith on the Biblical Covenants
Jared Smith on the Gospel Law
Jared Smith on the Gospel Message
Jared Smith on Various Issues
Jared Smith, Covenant Baptist Church, Philippines
Jared Smith on Bible Doctrine
Jared Smith on Bible Reading
Jared Smith's Studies in Romans
Jared Smith's Hymn Studies
Jared Smith's Maternal Ancestry (Complete)
Jared Smith's Sermons
1891 Inaugural Address To The Metropolitan Association Of Strict Baptist Churches
Inaugural Address To The Churches, Delivered At The Annual Meeting Of The Metropolitan Association Of Strict Baptist Churches, March 10th, 1891, By The President, Mr. W. K. Squirrell, Pastor Of Hill Street, Dorset Square, Marylebone. “Go in this thy might.”—Judges 6:14 Dear Brethren,—next to my call by grace, I feel it is my highest privilege to belong to the Strict and Particular Baptist Denomination; a denomination that, amidst all the tendency of the times towards indefiniteness, and the hollow cries of spurious charity, abides by the truth of God, and adheres to New Testament order of Church government. Thank God, dear brethren, we believe something, and that something is increasingly dear to us as our rule of faith and practice, "For the mouth of the…
Study 9: Justification Explained, By Redeeming Grace (3:19-31)
This recording picked up two audio sources resulting in an echo effect. Jared hopes the listener/watcher will forebear the unpleasant sound in view of benefitting from the teachings. This study begins a new section in Paul's letter to the Romans—How Are Sinners Secured Salvation By God? Paul divides his answer under four headings, unfolding the various roles assumed by the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit under the terms and promises of the gracious covenant. He begins in (3:19-5:21) with the role of God the Son, in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. This study examines Paul's explanation on the central message of the gracious covenant—justified freely by the Father's grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus (3:19-31).
Study 8: Three Groups, Three Covenants, Three Laws
This study explores the distinctions between three major groups, covenants and laws recorded by Paul in his letter to the Romans. The Non-Elect are under the authority of the Covenant of Works, subject to the heart law; the Elect are under the authority of the Covenant of Grace, subject to the gospel law; the Jewish people as a nation were under the authority of the Mosaic Covenant, subject to its law. Failure to distinguish between these groups, covenants and laws is the cause of much confusion among professing Christians. This is particularly true with reference to the issues surrounding Hyper-Calvinism. Arminians and Moderate-Calvinists mistakenly believe the whole matter revolves around an excessive view of divine sovereignty, when it actually turns on the hinges of the…
A Specimen Of Hercules Collins’ Teachings
The Reformed Baptists are under the impression they represent the teachings of the 17th century Particular Baptists (17th PB’s). They believe the 17th PB’s were Moderate-Calvinists. During the 18th century, there arose a new generation of preachers who deviated from their forefathers, running to the extremes of Hyper-Calvinism. These hyper teachings killed evangelism which in turn suffocated the churches. To the rescue came Andrew Fuller, who in the latter part of the century restored the Particular Baptists to their former glory. Evangelism was reintroduced and churches could breathe again. As you might expect, the Hyper-Calvinists believe this to be a false narrative. However, you probably have seldom, if ever, heard their side of the story. I will present it from my perspective (as a Hyper-Calvinist).
Study 7: The Sinful Heart (3:9-18)
This study unfolds Paul's description of the human heart: Conceived in sin (judicial condemnation) and shaped in iniquity (spiritual corruption); deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. After the exposition of the text, an explanation is given on how the human race fell into this deplorable condition.
Moody And Sankey’s Errors, Versus, The Scriptures Of Truth
Before James Popham was appointed pastor of Galeed Chapel, Brighton (1882), he served seven years as pastor of the church meeting at Shaw Street Chapel, Liverpool. It was at that time he published a pamphlet entitled, “Moody And Sankey’s Errors, Versus, The Scriptures Of Truth.” Dwight L. Moody (1837-1899) was an American Congregational evangelist. Ira D. Sankey (1840-1908) was an American Methodist hymn-writer and soloist. Between the years 1873-1875, these men traveled around the United Kingdom, hosting “evangelistic campaigns”. Sankey attracted the crowds with his singing; Moody “closed the deal” with his “gospel sales pitch”. They held 285 meetings in London alone, with an estimated attendance of two-and-a -half million people. Their message was that of free will works religion, couched in the language of…