Jared Smith
Jared Smith served twenty years as pastor of a Strict and Particular Baptist church in Kensington (London, England). He now serves as an Evangelist in the Philippines, preaching the gospel, organizing churches and training gospel preachers.
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Jared Smith, Covenant Baptist Church, Philippines
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The First Letter Of Paul To The Church At Corinth
I believe the first letter of Paul to the churches at Corinth was written in the year 57AD, making it the third of his fourteen epistles. The chart below provides a bird’s-eye view of the chronological order for the books of the New Testament. John Gill, “Commentary On The New Testament Scriptures”: “This was not the first epistle that was written by the apostle to the Corinthians, for we read in this of his having written an epistle to them before, (1 Corinthians 5:9), but this is the first epistle of his unto them, that is now extant; and has been received by the churches, as of divine authority, being written by the inspiration of God, of which there has been no doubt in any…
The Second Letter Of Paul To The Church At Corinth
I believe the second letter of Paul to the church at Corinth was written in the year 57AD, making it the fourth of his fourteen epistles. The chart below provides a bird’s-eye view of the chronological order for the books of the New Testament. John Gill, “Commentary On The New Testament Scriptures”: “This epistle, according to the subscription at the end of it, was written from Philippi of Macedonia; and though the subscriptions annexed to the epistles are not always to be depended on, yet it seems very likely that this was written from thence; for the apostle not finding Titus at Troas, as he expected, went into Macedonia, where he met with him, and had an account from him of the success of his…
The Letter Of Paul To The Churches At Galatia
I believe the letter of Paul to the churches at Galatia was written in the year 58AD, making it the fifth of his fourteen epistles. The chart below provides a bird’s-eye view of the chronological order for the books of the New Testament. John Gill, “Commentary On The New Testament Scriptures”: “The persons to whom this epistle is written were not such who made up a single church only, in some certain town or city, but were such of which several churches consisted, in a region or country called Galatia, as is evident from (Galatians 1:2) and the members of these churches seem to be chiefly, if not altogether Jews, since the apostle includes them with himself; as having been under the law, under tutors…
The Letter Of Paul To The Church At Rome
I believe the letter of Paul to the churches at Rome was written in the year 58AD, making it the sixth of his fourteen epistles. The chart below provides a bird’s-eye view of the chronological order for the books of the New Testament. John Gill, “Commentary On The New Testament Scriptures”: “Though this epistle is in order placed the first of the epistles, yet it was not first written: there were several epistles written before it, as the two epistles to the Thessalonians, the two to the Corinthians, the first epistle to Timothy, and that to Titus: the reason why this epistle stands first, is either the excellency of it, of which Chrysostom had so great an esteem that he caused it to be read…
The Letter Of Paul To The Churches At Ephesus
I believe the letter of Paul to the churches at Ephesus was written in the year 62AD, making it the seventh of his fourteen epistles. The chart below provides a bird’s-eye view of the chronological order for the books of the New Testament. John Gill, “Commentary On The New Testament Scriptures”: “The city of Ephesus is, by Pliny, called the other light of Asia; Miletus was one, and Ephesus the other: it was the metropolis of the lesser Asia, and one of the twelve cities of Ionia, and the first and chief of them: it is said to be built by the Amazons: it was famous for the magnificent temple of Diana; and the inhabitants of it were very much given to superstition and idolatry,…
The Salvation Testimony Of Don Fortner
In May of 2019, the New Focus Conference was held at Gornal Baptist Church, Robert Street, in Dudley, West Midlands, England. Among the speakers was Don Fortner. He prefaced his sermon with a personal testimony on how the Lord brought his soul to a saving knowledge of Christ. Unknown to me at the time, my wife recorded the two minute testimony, for which I am forever grateful; not only to have a record of his testimony in his own voice, but to know that my grandfather, Jewell Smith, was the preacher under whom the Lord was pleased to open his understanding to the grace of God. I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has not only put me into the ministry, but has been pleased…