AHB Worship Services, Jared Smith's Online Worship Services, Jared Smith's Sermons, Jared Smith's Studies In Genesis
The Creation Of The World
The first chapter of Genesis underscores a number of important truths apart from the creative works of God. For instance, the family unit is set apart as a divinely appointed institution, thereby denouncing the practices of fornication, abortion and single-parenthood; the polity of the local church is set forth to be that of pastor/deacons, thereby denouncing the notion of plural elderships; animals are separated into distinct species, thereby denouncing the fallacy of biological evolution; humans are made in the image and likeness of God, thereby denouncing the error of Adam and Eve being created only in a neutral state as well as the error of God actively creating Adam and Eve sinful; humans are commissioned to care for the environment, thereby denouncing the unbiblical environmentalism…
AHB Worship Services, Jared Smith's Online Worship Services, Jared Smith's Sermons, Jared Smith's Studies In Genesis
In The Beginning God Created
The first verse of the Bible exposes the fallacy of many popular notions—Eternity Of Matter, Biological Evolution, Atheism, Polytheism, Pantheism. It also sets out the boundary around which all creation is subject, that of a time continuum. God accomplished five things on the first day of creation—time, universe, angels, globe and shining light. These matters are examined in this study.
AHB Worship Services, Jared Smith's Online Worship Services, Jared Smith's Sermons, Jared Smith's Studies In Genesis
The Generations Of The Human Race
"These are the generations of...". Eleven times this expression occurs in the book of Genesis, indicating its main structure and focal point. When reading through the book, attention should be given to the men and women whose lives and testimonies are recorded for our learning, that through patience and comfort of the Scriptures we might have hope.
AHB Worship Services, Jared Smith's Online Worship Services, Jared Smith's Sermons, Jared Smith's Studies In Genesis
Dispensations Of God’s Grace
The masterplan of God for the ages may be reduced to the administration of His grace towards the members of the human race. There is a common grace unto creation which extends to all people (elect and non-elect). There is also a special grace unto salvation which extends only to the elect. Henceforth, every person is a dispensation of God's grace, either under the authority of the covenant of works, and therefore the recipient of God's common grace unto creation, or under the authority of the covenant of grace, and therefore the recipient of God's special grace unto salvation. These spiritual and perpetual covenants must be distinguished from the earthly and temporary covenants, such as that which God made with Noah, Abraham, Moses and David.…
AHB Worship Services, Jared Smith's Online Worship Services, Jared Smith's Sermons, Jared Smith's Studies In Genesis
The Central Message Of The Bible
God administers a grace unto creation which extends to the entire human race. He also administers a grace unto salvation which extends only to the elect. This grace unto salvation is identified in the Bible as the gospel. The gospel has three branches: (1) The electing love of God the Father; (2) The redeeming grace of God the Son; (3) The sanctifying power of God the Spirit. Saving faith and godly repentance are graces of Christ which are given as the result of the new birth, and therefore are privileges to be exercised by the regenerate, rather than duties to be imposed upon the unregenerate. To meet this need, I have started preparing online worship services. While the alone and isolated believer should find encouragement…