• Jared Smith's Sermons

    Bible Covenant

    Some of the points covered in this sermon: • Rather than a dispensation being the period of time between major events, spanning hundreds of years, it is a period of time encompassing the life span of an individual • God administers/dispenses one of two covenants in the life of each person—either the covenant of works, or the covenant of grace • The comfort and encouragement God’s people should receive from this teaching • The definition of a covenant • The purpose of a covenant • The number of covenants mentioned in the Bible • The two perpetual covenants that have continued throughout the course of history • The framework of God’s plan for the ages, and how the covenant of works and the covenant of…

  • Jared Smith's Sermons

    Bible Ages

    Some of the points covered in this sermon: • A review of the flawed Dispensational framework of history • A review of the correct Sovereign Grace framework of history • The key words used by Dispensationalists that need to be addressed—ages, covenants and institutions • The twofold division of history and how it coincides with the twofold division of the Bible • The difference between Dispensationalists and Hyper-calvinists, in the way they understand “responsibility” and “authority” • The structure of Hebrews 11:1-40 • The timeline of Hebrews 11:1-40 • Hebrews 11 doesn’t organize the dispensations according to events, but rather, according to individual life spans (Abel, Enoch, Noah, etc) • The meaning of the word “ages” and how it is used throughout the New Testament •…

  • Jared Smith's Sermons

    Bible Dispensations

    Some of the points covered in this sermon: • The carelessness of those who view history as “one large clump of events” • The traditional twofold and threefold divisions of history • The folly of those who arbitrarily divide history into major “dispensations” • The leading features of a Dispensationalist’s worldview • The scriptural meaning of “dispensation”and how the term is used in the New Testament • An explanation of Ephesians 1:3-12 (“the dispensation of the fulness of times”), which is the only text which links the term ‘dispensation’ with a framework of time • A repudiation of Dispensationalism—its proponents are unapproved of God, workmen that should be ashamed, wrongly dividing the Word of truth