The Authority Of Holy Scripture
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • Explaining how the apostles were responsible to oversee the completion of the Holy Scriptures as the final authority for the gospel witness • Explaining the significance of the Tabernacle and Temple, along with the prophets of the Old Testament era, as it relates to the Old Testament scriptures • Showing how the Lord’s people profited from the Old Testament scriptures • Explaining the significance of the church, along with the apostles and prophets of the New Testament era, as it relates to the New Testament scriptures • Showing the testimonies of Paul, Peter and John, each of whom acknowledged their mission to oversee the completion of the New Testament scriptures • Explaining why it was necessary…
Despise Not The Little Things
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • The structure of Genesis 5:1-6:8 • How Genesis 5:1 and 3-32 proves the veracity of God’s inspired and profitable Word • How Genesis 5:1 and 3-32 proves the veracity of God’s promise to send the Messiah into the world to redeem His people from their sins • How Genesis 5:1-6:8 resembles the same pattern used by the Apostle Paul in Hebrews 11 • Denouncing the false teachings of “Dispensationalism” • Explaining “dispensations” from a sovereign grace perspective • Showing how the lifespan of each individual is either a ‘dispensation of God’s covenant of works’, or a ‘dispensation of God’s covenant of grace’ • Encouraging those who are ‘dispensations of God’s covenant of grace’, to not despise…
The Charismatic Movement
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • Underscoring the leading features of the Spirit baptism which restricts it to the three incidents recorded in Acts 2, 8 and 10 • Explaining why Acts 19, 1 Corinthians 12 and Titus 3 do not reference a Spirit baptism • Tracing the origin and development of the Charismatic Movement between the 18th and 20th centuries • Explaining the pivotal role the cultural revolution of the 1960’s played in the development of the Charismatic Movement • Explaining the doctrine of the Charismatic Movement, as it relates to Spirit baptism, speaking in new tongues, faith healing and the utterance of prophetic revelations • Explaining the role music plays in the Charismatic Movement, and why it is an essential…
The Difference Between Us
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • The importance of taking heed to the genealogies of Scripture • The structure of the book of Genesis • The connection between Genesis 5:1-6:9 and 36:1-8 • The diametrical difference between the regenerate and the unregenerate • The principle of godly separation underscored by Christ in His priestly prayer to the Father in John 17 • The principle of godly separation applied by Christ to the context of family relationships in Matthew 10 • The principle of godly separation applied by Christ to the context of material possessions in Matthew 6 • The principle of godly separation affirmed by Paul in 1 Timothy 6 • The principle of godly separation affirmed by Paul in 2 Corinthians 6
Godly Associations
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • The structure of Genesis 4:25,26 • The lifespan of Adam overlapping that of those who lived during the first 930 years of history • The special relation Abel and Enoch shared with Adam • The significance of living upon the earth during the same time period as one’s contemporaries • The significance of interacting with the older and younger members of society • The personal testimony of Eve and her attraction to Christ • The danger of spiritualizing the Word of God • The danger of turning the Word of God into a self-help manual • The meaning of “calling upon the name of the LORD’ • The number of God’s regenerate people have always been in…
A Wicked City
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • The family tree of Cain and the timeframe of Genesis 4:17-24 • The structure of Genesis 4:17-24 • The structure of Genesis 4:17 • The importance of avoiding the path of wicked • The desperate measures taken by those who are lonely • The contrast between Cain building an earthly city, and Abel pursing the heavenly city • The structure of Genesis 4:18 • The structure of Genesis 4:19-24 • The classic earmarks of narcissism displayed by Lamech • The fame of Lamech’s children and how it relates to the elect and the non-elect • A warning for nations • A warning for parents • A warning for the godly