Signposts For Your Journey Through The Bible: Part 4
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • Bible Reading—explaining God’s purpose for the Jewish people today • Bible Doctrine—explaining how a sinner may be regenerated, yet subscribe to the teachings of Arminianism
Signposts For Your Journey Through The Bible: Part 3
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • Bible Reading—highlighting four reasons why the focal point of the Old Testament scriptures is on the Jewish people as a nation • Bible Doctrine—tracing the teachings of Arminianism and Calvinism to the third chapter of Genesis • Bible Devotion—considering four ways that God’s election of David as king represents the election of His people unto salvation
Signposts For Your Journey Through The Bible: Part 2
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • Bible Reading—the basic divisions of a timeline • Bible Doctrine—examining the meaning of the labels “Arminianism” and “Calvinism” • Bible Devotion—considering several characteristics of the evangelistic efforts of a gospel preacher
Church Unity
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • Reviewing the definition for the Greek verb, katartizō, and the four ways it is used in the New Testament • Showing how the verb is used with reference to “joining together what has been disjointed” • Highlighting the reason why the Apostle Paul wrote his two letters to the church at Corinth • Making a comparison between 1 Corinthians 1:10 and 2 Corinthians 13:11 • The Greek verb is used in this context of “joining something together” only in connection with the church at Corinth • The Greek verb occurs at the beginning of the first letter and at the end of the second letter • In both texts, Paul is pressing upon the members of the…
Signposts For Your Journey Through The Bible: Part 1
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • Introducing this new series of ‘sessions’ • Bible Reading—examining the logical order of the books of the Bible • Bible Doctrine—exploring the meaning of a framework of doctrine • Bible Devotion—considering Philip’s gospel ministry to the man from Ethiopia
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • Reviewing the definition for the Greek verb, katartizō, and the four ways it is used in the New Testament • Showing how the verb is used with reference to “maturing something that is undeveloped” • First, the maturing of a student—Luke 16:40 • Second, the maturing of spiritual life—1 Peter 5:10 • Third, the maturing of spiritual fruit—1 Thessalonians 3:10 • Fourth, the maturing of good works—Hebrews 13:21