Signposts For Your Journey Through The Bible: Part 14
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • A general introduction to the book is provided • Ten lessons are drawn from the book • The book of Genesis begins with the TriUne Jehovah (1:1) • The book of Genesis asserts the TriUne Jehovah has brought all things into existence (1:1-2:3) • As the self-existent and eternal God, He drew up a blueprint for time and creation before bringing either into existence (1:1) • The book of Genesis is not designed to serve as a science book. However, the account of creation perfectly aligns with the facts of science. (1:1-2:3) • The book of Genesis identifies only two types of creatures which are capable of entering a personal relationship with God—angels and humans (2:7;…
I Am Pure From The Blood Of All Men
Some of the points covered in this sermon: Many believe the Apostle Paul was “pure from the blood of all men” because he offered the gospel (Free-Offer) to everyone he met and exhorted them to believe on Christ (Duty-Faith). This view is propagated by freewill religionists belonging to the Arminian and Moderate-Calvinist persuasions. This study: (1) Explains the meaning of Duty-Faith and the Free-Offer (2) Provides an expositional overview of the text (3) Points out the term (and idea) of an ‘offer’ does not appear in the text, although seven other words do appear—show (announce), teach, testify, preach, declare, feed, show (reason/argue) (4) Explains how Paul’s declaration of “all the counsel of God” is a reference to the Framework of Sovereign Grace (5) Explains how…
Signposts For Your Journey Through The Bible: Part 13
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • Bible Reading—three final instructions are given in preparation for the reading of Genesis. This series of studies will continue on February 6th. • Bible Doctrine—highlighting the various ways one may approach this series of studies, and emphasizing the importance of diagraming one’s own framework of doctrine
Signposts For Your Journey Through The Bible: Part 12
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • Bible Reading—explaining how to use The Chronological Chart Of Bible Books • Bible Doctrine—showing two examples of Calvinists diagramming their framework of teachings
Signposts For Your Journey Through The Bible: Part 11
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • Bible Reading—introducing a set of navigational tools designed to serve as a guide for one’s journey through the Bible • Bible Doctrine—showing three examples of Arminians diagramming their framework of teachings together with a set of reasons Calvinists reject them
Signposts For Your Journey Through The Bible: Part 10
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • Bible Reading—showing how the saints of the Old Testament were saved in precisely the same way as the saints of the New Testament • Bible Doctrine—providing an overview of the Strict and Particular Baptist resources, together with guidance on how to extract from their writings a framework of doctrine