The Origin Of The Reformed Baptist Movement In America
How often do we hear the Reformed Baptists (RB) lay claim to the historic legacy of the Particular Baptists (PB), as if the two groups are one and the same? The English RB's lay claim to this heritage based on their requisition of historic PB chapels and the imposition of 'reforms' they have made to the churches. The American RB's lay claim to it based on their perceived oneness with the seventeenth century PB's, responsible for drawing up the 1689 Confession. Since the RB's are 'confessional', subscribing to the 1689 as the standard statement around which their movement is solidified, so it is assumed the PB's have always been 'confessional', subscribing to the same statement for the same reason. Henceforth, if the PB's were 1689…
4 Hyper Calvinist Quotes
Below are twenty-five more statements made by Hyper Calvinists: J. Foreman: “If it be the natural man's duty to believe unto salvation, then it must be the natural man's duty for God himself to be to him all what by promise and gift he is to those who through grace do believe unto salvation; and then it must be the natural man's duty for the eternal God to be to him a covenant God - a Redeemer - a Shepherd - a Saviour - a Preserver - a Comforter - a Rock, Refuge, Sun, Shield, High Tower, Horn of Salvation, and Strength - the God of all grace - a Guide - a Father and portion for ever. All this the Lord is to them…
Jared Smith On Various Issues, The Earthen Vessel, William Styles, A Guide To Church Fellowship (Complete)
Spurgeonism And The Strict And Particular Baptists
Dear Sir,—For some time I have felt the need of a few straight and honest words on this subject, for the instruction both of brethren who are not sentimentally with us; and also of some of the members of our own Churches. The principles which distinguish us as a section of the Baptist denomination seem to be but little known. Our own friends manifest far less determination than they used, in contending for the faith—while hardly a month passes, but I am entreated to advance the interests of brethren holding the late Mr. Spurgeon's creed, by introducing them to some of our vacant pulpits, as if their views and ours were all but identical and our differences were most immaterial and unimportant.
To My Dear Brother, Josip H. (Contact Form)
We have had a glitch on the 'Contact Form' (now fixed) which failed to show your email address. I am unable to reply to your message. Please send another message via the "Contact Form" and I would be pleased to correspond. Thank you
The Origin Of The Reformed Baptist Movement
Dr. Kenneth Dix traced the origin of the Reformed Baptist movement to September 1955, with the first publication of the Banner of Truth Magazine. This magazine was started by Sidney Norton, the minister of St John’s Church, Oxford, and his ministerial assistant, Iain Murray. In 1956, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones invited Murray to serve as his assistant at Westminster Chapel, London. He held this post for three years, during which time the Banner of Truth Trust was organized. On July 22, 1957, The Banner of Truth Trust was registered as a non-profit charity, the trust deed stating: “The object of the Charity is to promote in such parts of the world as the Trustees may decide the better knowledge and understanding of the doctrines of the…
3 Hyper Calvinist Quotes
Below are twenty-five more statements made by Hyper Calvinists: J. Hupton: “The faith under consideration is a blessing of the covenant of grace. This you must either admit or deny. If you deny it, you renounce the gospel, which says, that faith is the gift of God. That he chose his people to the belief of the truth; that he gives them on the behalf of Christ, to believe on his name; that when he calls them to believe, it is according to his own purpose and grace given them in Christ, before the world began;---and that, his covenant is ordered in all things, and sure; and, therefore, must include faith. If you admit of it, then you must give up the point in dispute;…