James The Bishop

James The Bishop (?-63AD) was a sovereign grace Baptist preacher. He was appointed pastor of the church meeting at Jerusalem, a position he held for nearly thirty years. He it is who authored the New Testament book which bears his name.

  • James The Bishop,  Jared Smith On Various Issues

    The Letter Of James To The Churches Of Jerusalem

    I believe the letter of James, addressed to the churches at Jerusalem, was written between the years 44-49AD, making it the earliest epistle of the New Testament Scriptures. The chart below provides a bird’s-eye view of the chronological order for the books of the New Testament. It mustn’t be thought that the congregation meeting at Jerusalem was one large mega-church, but rather, had naturally divided into dozens of local congregations, meeting in various houses, scattered throughout the city. James, therefore, was the pastor of one of these congregations, most probably of the original church organized by Christ during His earthly ministry. His letter, therefore, was sent as a circular epistle to the various congregations that had been organized in the general vicinity of Jerusalem. 

  • James The Bishop,  Thieleman J. Van Braght, Martyrs Mirror

    25. The Apostle James, the Less

    The Apostle James (the Lesser) stoned and clubbed to death, Jerusalem, A.D. 63 James, the Son of Alpheus, or Brother of the Lord, Cast Down from the Temple, Stoned, and Beaten to Death with a Club, A.D. 63. James the Lesser was the son of Alpheus, and Mary Cleophas, sister to the mother of Christ; he is called the Lord's brother. Matt. 10:3; Gal. 1:19. After proper instruction he was ordained an apostle by Christ, and sent out to minister to the Jews; wherein he acquitted himself well, until Christ's death. After that, he, with others, was sent out to preach the Gospel, which he did in the Jewish church. Matt. 28:19; Mark 16:15. And although Peter, and James and his brother John, of whom…