James Mehew

James Mehew (1800-1868) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served as pastor for the church meeting at Stotfold, Bedfordshire.

  • James Mehew

    The Life And Ministry Of James Mehew

    His first convictions of a saving character commenced through the following circumstance. He had a companion, a young man, for whom he had a great regard, who became seriously inclined, and who informed him unless he altered his course of life, their acquaintance must be broken off. On hearing this, he was led to reflect upon his state and condition, and the Lord was pleased to commence a work of grace in his heart, causing him to feel what a great and awful sinner he was in the sight of a heart-searching God. The curse and condemnation of the law entered into his very soul. His transgressions stared him in the face, and their guilt was laid upon his mind; so that he could see…