James Manser

James Manser (1823-1854) was a High-Calvinist Baptist preacher. Having been born in Sussex, England, he was affiliated with the Strict and Particular Baptists; but having moved to the United States at the age of 16, he aligned himself with the Primitive Baptists. He became relatively well known among both groups, not only through his communications with the “Signs of the Times” (Gilbert Beebe’s magazine), but by becoming the editor of “Zion’s Pilgrim” (inspired by the writings of Robert Hawker).

  • James Manser

    The Life And Ministry Of James Manser

    On Saturday, the 25th of February last, James Manser fell asleep in Jesus. The subject of this notice was a native of Sussex, in England, and arrived in America in the year 1839, a young man of about 16 years of age. He was called from nature's darkness into God's marvellous light in early life, and was known to many in New York by his communications through the "Signs of the Times," during the years 1844 to 1850, and more recently as Editor of the "Zion's Pilgrim." The writer became acquainted with Mr. Manser about ten years ago, when they were, in the providence of God, introduced to each other in a somewhat remarkable manner. The circumstances are thus related by Mr. Manser, in his…