James Kelson

James Kelson (1778-1866) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served as pastor for the church meeting at South Moreton, near Wallingford, for twenty years.

  • James Kelson

    The Life And Ministry Of James Keslon

    I have heard him say, that when a young man, the Lord in mercy called him by grace, and gave him to see that he was as a lost and helpless sinner in the sight of a holy God. He could no longer join with his fellow-workmen in the follies and pleasures of the world; and this was soon seen by the master and workmen, all of whom joined to persecute him, and the latter tried in various ways to get him to go again with them; but all was in vain. The Lord had begun a good work, and he never did nor ever will leave his dear children, when he puts his fear in the heart, permanently to go on with old sinful…