J. W. Humphreys

J. W. Humphreys (1873-?) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. While exercising what he hoped to be a gift in preaching, he wrestled for three years (1890-1893) whether it was the Lord’s will that he should enter full time ministry as a gospel preacher. Upon receiving confirmation from the Lord, he testified there were “four things that seem essential to the knowledge of a call. First, the inner promptings of the Spirit. Secondly, the testimony of God's Word. Thirdly, the agreement of circumstances; and, fourthly, acceptance amongst God's people." In 1895, he was appointed pastor of West Ham, Stratford.

  • J. W. Humphreys

    The Life And Ministry Of J. W. Humphreys

    I was born on July 12th, 1873, at Tring, a little town in Hertfordshire. My soul praises God for the untold blessing of being the son of a saintly mother, one who, as soon as I could utter words, taught me to pray. At the early age of five years, the first sorrow that I can remember came. When my wayward feet seemed most to need a mother's guiding hand, the loved one was taken away. I shall never forget gazing upon that cold, lifeless form; the whole scene appears to me as vividly now as though it were only a few days past. From that time forward I was terrified by a great fear of death; at night when trying to go to sleep…