J. L. Meeres

J. L. Meeres (1811-1897) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1847, he was appointed pastor of the chapel on New Church-street, Bermondsey. He was also one of the earlier presidents of the Metropolitan Association of Strict Baptist Churches, a role he filled for three years. His loss was deeply felt by the Strict Baptist ‘denomination’ as he was the last link between the old generation of gospel preachers (Hazelton, Foreman, Anderson, Box, etc.) and the new.

  • J. L. Meeres

    The Life And Ministry Of J. L. Meeres

    My father died before I was two years of age, leaving my mother with four children other than myself. She was an industrious and kind parent, although at that time not a partaker of grace. After I knew the Lord for myself my constant prayer was that He would bring my dear mother to know Him, and which I have every reason to believe He answered, for (though late in life) I had a good hope that she was resting on the Rock, Christ Jesus. When old enough, I was admitted into Zion Chapel Sunday-school, in connection with the Countess of Huntingdon's chapel, in Whitechapel; and when my name was enrolled, I remember my mother saying·, “It would keep me from the streets:” but my…