Henry Myerson

Henry Myerson (1827-?) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1860, he was appointed pastor of the church meeting at Shalom Baptist Chapel, Oval, Hackney-road.

  • Henry Myerson

    The Life And Ministry Of Henry Myerson

    My dear brother W. Winters,—-I forward you as requested a short sketch of my life. I was born January 12th, 1827, in the parish of Bethnal-green, in the county of Middlesex. At the age of six years I was placed in the Hebrew School, Palestine-place, Cambridge-heath, which school belongs to the London Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews, my father being a Polish Jew, and having embraced the Christian religion. After a lapse of eight years I was apprenticed to the clock trade. My mother was a God-fearing woman, and my first impressions were, under God, obtained from her dear lips. She taught me to lisp God's name in prayer, and told me of a beautiful heaven and of a dreadful hell, and that…