Henry Fowler

Henry Fowler (1779-1838) was an Independent sovereign grace preacher and hymn writer. In 1813, he assumed responsibility for a gospel work in Birmingham. He removed to London in 1819, serving as pastor of Gower Street Chapel. The original congregation met in a chapel on Conway Street, and were followers of William Hintington’s ministry. Upon Mr. Fowler’s acceptance of the call to serve as pastor, a new chapel was built on Gower Street. This chapel (now demolished) was the predecessor to the old Gower Street Memorial chapel on Shaftesbury Avenue.

  • Henry Fowler

    The Manna, And Its Spiritual Signification

    The history of Israel is a wonderful history, in which the attentive reader cannot but observe the sad depravity of human nature, and the great and astonishing patience of God. But we should never lose sight of this one thing—that God was determined to glorify His name in them; and this determination ran through all His dealings with them, and was the foundation of all His gracious acts towards them. Israel had not left Egypt two months before they began to murmur and rebel, and the Lord, to stop their murmuring, gave them a promise: "Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you" (Exodus 16:4). And the Lord did so; and when the children of Israel saw it, they said, "It is manna," or,…

  • Henry Fowler

    The Arm Of The Lord

    God’s arm implies His power. God's people stand in need of His power every morning—yea, all the day. "Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning upon her Beloved?” Who is it? Not the world, for they are going down the wilderness. They want not the arm of another; they know not their own weakness. Nothing is more common than to hear and see men who are in the flesh boasting of their capacity to do and will that which is acceptable to God. How different is the language of those who are taught of God! Such tremble at their own weakness, and are often afraid of themselves. They know they are not sufficient of themselves either to do or think the thing…

  • Henry Fowler

    The Burning And Shining Lamp

    “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”—Psalm 119:105 The use of the lamp is chiefly in the night-season, to assist us to see what we are about, or to find what we may have lost; to discover to us any person or thing that may be in our way, or that might injure us; to direct us to accomplish our object or design. As the lamp or candle is exceedingly useful for the above purposes, so is the word of God useful, and absolutely necessary, to guide poor, miserable sinners into those things which lead to everlasting felicity: "For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life"…

  • Henry Fowler

    The Fishermen And The Gospel Net

    “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”—Matthew 4:19 The sea is an emblem of the world. As the sea has in it various living creatures, and some monsters, so has this world. In the sea is "that leviathan" (Psalm 104:26), and in the world is Satan, "the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience'' (Eph. 2:2). In the sea there are fish to be taken by net or by hook; and some that are taken are cast away as useless and destroyed. In this world sinners are gathered by the Gospel net and testimony, but all that are gathered by the preaching of the word are not saved; for to some, the…

  • Henry Fowler

    The Life And Ministry Of Henry Fowler

    Henry Fowler was born in the parish of Yealmpton, Devonshire, Dec. 11th, 1779. Before he was 11 years old, he was put on trial with a person at Dartmouth, but as the family were dissenters, and as he thought the church people must be right, he was determined he would not serve his time there. Accordingly, he was removed, and apprenticed at Plymouth. He soon contracted the most awful habit of cursing and swearing. Indeed, he was placed in the very school of vice and filthy conversation, and was, he says, the devil's tool. When he had turned 17, he got into company with a poor shoemaker, who induced him to read a little of the "Pilgrim's Progress," and, as he read, explained to him…