Henry Cole

Henry Cole (1792-1858) was a High-Calvinist Anglican preacher. He served as curate at Woolwich, Kent, Islington and was Lecturer at St Mary Somerset in the City of London. He is best known for translators several works of Martin Luther and John Calvin.

  • Henry Cole

    The Life And Legacy Of Henry Cole

    Henry Cole, D.D., of Clare Hall, Cambridge (1792-1858), was a scholar and a preacher of an entirely different type to any of those who have been named. He sometimes occupied the University Pulpit at Cambridge and his sermons delivered there are fearless and experimental expositions of the Gospel of the grace of God. In his later years he was proprietor and head master of a boarding-school at Highbury Place; Sunday evening Lecturer at St. Mary Somerset, Upper Thames Street; and subsequently he preached in the building in Providence Place, Upper Street, afterwards known as Providence Chapel. His translations of some of Luther's books and of "Calvin's Calvinism" are of permanent value, and his work upon the humanity of our blessed Lord is eminently scriptural and…

  • Henry Cole

    The Life And Death Of Henry Cole

    A Short Account Of The Last Illness And Peaceful Death Of Henry Cole, D. D., Late Of Clare Hall, Cambridge, And Of Highbury Place, Islington; And Also Late Sunday Evening Lecturer Of St. Mary Somerset, Upper Thames Street, London. [We have felt some difficulty in giving insertion to the following Obituary, which, indeed, has been one reason of its being delayed, as it has been some months in our possession. The difficulty was this. As Dr. Cole, at one period of his life, left the Establishment and afterwards returned to it, it formed a stumbling-block in our mind which we could not very well get over. But he never departed from the truth which he held in its experience and power, was heavily afflicted in…