Harriet Smith

Harriet Smith (1819-1867) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. She was the wife of David Smith, gospel preacher at Siddle Hall, Halifax.

  • Harriet Smith

    The Life And Testimony Of Harriet Smith

    Harriet Smith, the wife of David Smith, of Siddle Hall, Halifax, died Oct. 10th, 1867, in her 48th year, after a long and painful affliction, arising from cancer in the breast. The Lord says, "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth him out of them all." And, truly, her bodily affliction was one of the most trying and painful that can be imagined; but under it all, I never heard her say she had one pain too many; nor did she ever murmur or complain, not even when distracted to such a degree that I thought she would be driven mad. The Lord, in whom she was enabled to put her trust for time and eternity, and in whom she was…