Grey Hazlerigg
Grey Hazlerigg (1818-1912) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher and writer. In 1873, he was appointed the Pastor of Zion Chapel, Leicester. Between 1878-1880, he served as the Editor for the Gospel Standard Magazine. He ministered to a large congregation throughout the course of his life, with twenty-four persons baptized during the last year of his life.
Grey Hazlerigg Sermons
The Death Of Grey Hazlerigg
We sincerely hope the Church of Christ will be favoured with the record of the life of this faithful pastor, preacher, and editor. Our beloved brother fell asleep in Jesus on October 4th, 1912, at the advanced age of 94 years. For over three score years he was the devoted pastor of the Church meeting for worship at Zion Chapel, Leicester. We had anticipated the publication of his life and labours in the Gospel Standard, of which at one time he was the esteemed editor, but were disappointed in having but two pages in the December issue, with no indication of a forthcoming memoir.
Philpot’s And Popham’s Remembrance Of Grey Hazlerigg
Jospeh Philpot: “I remember him as a slim, dapper, little man with a pale, thin face and an aristocratic nose." James Popham, then Editor of the Gospel Standard in the year of Hazlerigg’s death: “It would seem that an archangel cannot be employed in a work so honourable, so glorifying to God, so beneficial to elect men as a true minister of the gospel can. And such a minister was the late Mr. Hazlerigg. To how many he was such is known only to God who sent him and
Strangers And Pilgrims
A Sermon Preached By Grey Hazlerigg On September 26th, 1883 “These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.”—Hebrews 11:13 You and I will have to depart from this world, and what we have to think of is to die right. I want to speak to you tonight of those who died right. It is not every professor who dies right, and I am afraid it is not every professor in this place who will die right. Hearing a good minister a great many years is not enough to prepare you to die right, nor hearing a quantity of…
Exhortation To Humility
A Sermon Preached By Grey Hazlerigg, At Forest Hill in May, 1882 “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time. Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you.”—1 Peter 5:6,7 If you look through the chapter from which I have taken my text, you will find it full of the preceptive part of God’s Word. Some people have such a dislike for the preceptive part; if a minister speaks of it, they call him legal directly, but why is it? Because they are not willing to walk in obedience to the Gospel precepts. How full all the epistles are of the preceptive part; and if a minister does not preach this part (though…