Gerald Buss
Gerald Buss is a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1980, he was appointed pastor of the Old Baptist Chapel meeting at Chippenham, Wiltshire.
And Thou, My Lord, O King, The Eyes Of All Israel Are Upon Thee
The circumstances around these words I have read are very instructive, and, in some respects, very sad. King David was on his death bed. A few days after this, he was called from time into eternity; his journey done. Like the Apostle Paul, David could say: “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give me at that day.” But, the question arose: who should succeed King David on the throne? He had several sons, and it was no doubt a question among the family as to who should be the successor. But, God had already told David who…
But He Giveth More Grace
Martin Luther said that the Epistle of James was the ‘Epistle of Straw.’ In other words, it was not very comfortable to lay down upon. This is true. If you read this epistle from beginning to end, it has some very sharp and pointed things to say about man’s fallen nature, and about those dispositions that fallen nature displays. And, there is not a child of God who is awake to the things of God but will read through the Epistle of James and find those things that condemn and convince him or her of sin. That does not mean we should not read it; it is all the more reason we should read it. “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me,…
An Exhortation To Steadfastness
The Church at Corinth, among many other things, was going through a very testing, trying time. Paul gives a hint of it in writing to his son in the faith, Timothy. There was a man called Hymenaeus, who caused great damage among the Church and the Churches, by suggesting that the resurrection was over and past already, and that there was no such thing as the resurrection of the Lord’s people to be made like unto their Lord and Saviour in that great Day of His return. We read that Hymenaeus overthrew the faith of some. And the overthrowing of the faith of some must have greatly shaken those who were left and must have made them wonder where the scene would end. We read…
He shall See Of The Travail Of His Soul, And Shall Be Satisfied
Well nigh two thousand years ago, there was a chariot returning to Ethiopia from Jerusalem. In that chariot was the Ethiopian Eunuch, a man whose heart had been stirred to seek the Truth. The Ethiopian Eunuch was reading from the prophecy of Isaiah. There was a man whom God had ordained to preach Christ to that returning seeker: Philip the Evangelist. When Philip saw the chariot with the Ethiopian Eunuch in it, he was commanded to go and join himself to it. And as Philip joined himself to the chariot, he saw what the Eunuch was reading. He asked him a question. “Understandest thou what thou readest?” That is a question, isn’t it? I wonder how many understand the chapter that we have read this…
Behold, There Ariseth A Little Cloud Out Of The Sea, Like A Man’s Hand
What a remarkable man, by grace and grace alone, was Elijah the Tishbite! This man had the immediate ear of almighty God in two ways. First, he had His ear as a hearer. Often the Word of the Lord came to Elijah and immediately the dear man obeyed. Friends, where does that leave you and me? The Word of the Lord came to Elijah, and he goes to Cherith. The Word of the Lord comes again to him, and he goes to Zarephath. Again, and again we find that expression: “the Word of the Lord came to Elijah,” and the dear man of God obeys. Now, if you have the same grace that Elijah had, there will be that in you that will also seek…
Elijah: A Man Subject To Like Passions As We Are
With the Lord’s help this evening I want to speak to you about this very prominent man in Scripture, Elijah. A man spoken of in the epistle of James, towards the end of God’s holy word, which is the last mention of him, he said, ‘Elijah was a man of like passions as we are’. That might be perhaps the title: ‘Elijah, the man of like passions as we are’. But James goes on to tell us, that though he was a man of like passions as we are, he had a wonderful gift, a gift that is given to all of God’s people in measure, but to him in great measure, the gift of prayer. If ever a man knew what wrestling prayer was,…