Gerald Buss
Gerald Buss is a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1980, he was appointed pastor of the Old Baptist Chapel meeting at Chippenham, Wiltshire.
I Have Enough
Two brothers in the flesh are spoken of in our text. In fact, they were both in the womb together. They were twins. But we know that even while they were in the womb, they strove one with another. God gave to Rebekah, their mother, that interpreting word, that the elder (which was Esau) would serve the younger. The early history of these two brothers we have in previous chapters. In many respects, it was not a happy history, mainly through the partiality shown by Isaac to Esau and Rebekah to Jacob. We should remember that “the wisdom that is from above is...without partiality.” A lot of evil has been done in this world in families, in Churches, in businesses and in nations by an…
The Raised Spirits Of God’s People
The context of this verse, and chapter, is exceedingly instructive. You will remember that under the prophecies, of both Isaiah and Jeremiah, it was foretold that the people of God, who, having been brought out of Egyptian bondage and wonderfully blessed in the Promised Land, because of their iniquity and because of their neglect of God’s Word and of His prophets, would spend seventy years in a foreign country, that being Babylon. They had neglected the Sabbaths of the Lord, and so the Lord gave the land a seventy year Sabbath while the people were absent from it.
The Mysterious Work Of The Holy Spirit
It is very remarkable to notice that in two successive chapters in John’s Gospel, our Lord preaches a sermon to just one person. In this case it was to a man called Nicodemus, who probably, because of the fear of man, did not want to be known as a follower or a hearer of the Lord Jesus Christ. Nicodemus came to Jesus by night and began to enquire about the things of God. In the next chapter, we have the woman of Samaria. Whereas Nicodemus was a very religious man; a man looked up to, no doubt, as being a guide to others, the woman of Samaria, although cloaked with some form of religion which she professed, had been leading an immoral life for many…
And The Spirit Of God Moved Upon The Face Of The Waters
Dear friends, you have just sung that “God moves.” (Hymn 320). And when God moves, something is always done. It was so in this chapter. Every time the dear Spirit moved, and God spoke, something came to pass. It is very trying and troubling to God’s people when He does not seem to move and when He seems to be silent. Those periods are very trying to a living child of God. It is then they feel at a loss, and rather like God’s servant Jacob in Isaiah 40: “Why sayest thou, O Jacob, and speakest, O Israel, my way is hid from the LORD, and my judgment is passed over from my God?” But the good prophet, inspired by the Holy Ghost, knowing Genesis…
The Lord Reigneth
When King Solomon got up to pray on that momentous occasion at the dedication of the Temple, he was undoubtedly inspired by God the Holy Spirit in that prayer which he uttered before the Lord. And it is very instructive to notice that the very things that Solomon prayed for, came to pass in the history of God’s ancient people. In other words, the Holy Ghost, directing his prayers almost in a prophetic sense, knew that a day would come when, for example, as we have before us in our own day at this very moment, these pestilences and plagues. Solomon was led to ask the Lord that when such a day should come; when the plague would visit the land and the pestilence cause…
The Delivering God
These are most remarkable words, in more than one way. They were spoken by an ungodly man, King Darius. As far as we know, King Darius had not got the fear of God in his heart at all. Yet, this man was God’s mouthpiece to Daniel. There was something in King Darius’s heart that recognized that Daniel and his God had right on their side. And it is a wonderful thing that this is recorded for our help this morning hour, because the days in which we live are not so dissimilar from the day in which Daniel was called to live in Babylon. It was a lonely path for Daniel. It seems there were not many who were willing to stand and be counted…