George Kent

George Kent (1805-1867) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. He served as a deacon for the church meeting in London, under the oversight of Mr. Snorter.

  • George Kent

    The Life And Ministry Of George Kent

    Death. On January 20th, 1867, George Kent, of St. John's Park, Upper Holloway, in the 62nd year of his age, for many years a deacon of the late Mr. Snorter's church, London. The beloved relict of the above has placed in my hands a few particulars, which, by the blessing of God, may be useful to some of his children. When between 24 and 25 years of age, he was called by sovereign grace. About that time he heard a sermon preached at John Street Chapel, Bedford Row, by the late Mr. J. H. Evans, from Job 23:13, which made a very deep impression upon his mind. And about the same time he had a brother killed by striking his temple, through not sufficiently lowering…