Fanny Batley

Fanny Batley (1837-1854) was a sovereign grace believer. She was brought up in William Gadsby’s Sunday School, her parents being members of the church at Manchester. She passed into everlasting glory at only seventeen years of age, having experienced the new birth on her deathbed. She acknowledged her wish to join the church on earth, but meekly yielded herself to the far greater fellowship of the gathered saints in heaven.

  • Fanny Batley

    The Life And Testimony Of Fanny Batley

    To report with propriety the Lord's work on a human heart requires more than mortal powers or natural qualifications; and one attempting the work fears lest anything merely natural be called spiritual, or anything spiritual be called natural. It will readily be granted by the godly, that a line of distinction is not easily drawn at all times; but when anything appears proving itself to be the Lord's work, it will be as readily granted that "flesh and blood hath not revealed it." The subject of the following memoir was the daughter of a widow, a member of the church of Christ at Manchester. Her father also was a member, and died in the faith. Fanny was a Sunday scholar, and in her seventeenth year.…