Elizabeth Williams

Elizabeth Williams (1816-1868) was a sovereign grace believer. She was converted to Christ late in life, not long before her death, but received spiritual blessings under the gospel ministries of men such as Philpot, Doudney and Huntington.

  • Elizabeth Williams

    The Life And Testimony Of Elizabeth Williams

    Mr. Huntington, in a letter to a spiritual friend, who before he was born again of the Spirit had, by the Lord's mercy, been singularly preserved from outward evil, thus writes: "My friend, thou hast been saved from a more refined wickedness." Never were truer words, or more descriptive of Elizabeth Williams, than those of this immortal and faithful servant of Christ. Infirmities and afflictions of body and soul have delayed this humble account of one so dearly loved both in nature and grace. With her own words, "Let Jesus have all the glory," and a secret cry to God the Spirit that he would, with his remembering power, dictate every word, he desires to cast this humble mite into the treasury of God, hoping…