Elizabeth Walters

Elizabeth Walters (1837-1857) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. She was the niece of C. H. Walters, pastor of the church meeting at South Chard, of which she was a member at the time of her death.

  • Elizabeth Walters

    The Life And Testimony Of Elizabeth Walters

    Death. On March 25th, 1857, aged 20 years, Elizabeth Walters, the beloved niece of C. H. Walters, pastor of the Baptist church, South Chard, of which church she was a member at the time of her death. Her parents were strongly attached to the forms and ceremonies of the Church of England, in which they brought her up till she was about nine years of age, when it pleased God to remove her to reside with her uncle, where her mind became impressed with a feeling sense of her state as a lost sinner. The first powerful impressions were in an address delivered by J. J. of B., to the Sunday-school children and others, which, with other things, caused her, through the Spirit of God,…