Elizabeth Topp

Elizabeth Topp (1783-1855) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. She was the mother of Joseph Tropp, a God-fearing man whose intimate knowledge of the brethren allowed him to contribute several biographical sketches of departed saints to the “Gospel Standard”.

  • Elizabeth Topp

    The Life And Testimony Of Elizabeth Topp

    For many years past it was the desire of deceased that her experience should be written for the glory of God and for the comfort of his tried and afflicted family, she often repeating these words, "For why should the wonders of the Lord be lost, and forgotten in unthankfulness?” I have often, by her bedside, heard her speak of the path that she had travelled for fifty years in this vale of tears, and many times found her words very weighty and powerful, so that I have often felt my soul drawn heavenwards, and the blessed things of eternity have sweetly employed my mind for days afterwards.