Edmund Whitaker

Edmund Whitaker (1790-1865) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. He was converted to Christ under the gospel ministry of William Gadsby, and for many years was a member of the church meeting at Cave Adullam, Haslingden.

  • Edmund Whitaker

    The Life And Testimony Of Edmund Whitaker

    It is, we believe, about 40 years since he was called by divine grace. For about two years he wandered about from place to place in search of comfort to his sin-burdened soul; but no comfort could he find. At last he heard of Mr. Gadsby being engaged to preach at Rochdale, and felt a resolve to give him a hearing. Mr. Gadsby took for his text: "But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ." The text, as also some of Mr. Gadsby's remarks upon it, he never forgot to the day of his death. After Mr. Gadsby had taken his text, he looked round on his congregation, and said, "There is a great deal to be put off before Christ can be put on;"…