Ebenezer Medhurst
Ebenezer Medhurst (1850-?) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1897, he was appointed pastor of the church meeting at Fleet, Hants.
The Life And Ministry Of Ebenezer Medhurst
By the urgent request of the Editor of the Earthen Vessel & Gospel Herald, I forward my Portrait, Origin, Call by Grace, Call to the Ministry, and Call to the Pastorate at Fleet, Hants., for insertion therein, with the earnest desire, that by it God may be honoured and glorified, His saints blest, and sinners called out of nature's darkness into the light of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ, His dear Son. Origin I was born on the first of February, 1850, at Coggins, Mill Street, in the Parish of Mayfield, in the County of Sussex, of poor but Christian parents. From my birth I have to say with David, “My times are in Thy hands”—it being a question for some time as to…