E. Floyd

E. Floyd (1768-1858) was a sovereign grace believer. She sat under the gospel ministries of several powerful preachers, one of whom was Mr. Henry Cole (an Anglican curate). It was her association with him which led her to commit her spiritual testimony to writing.

  • E. Floyd

    The Life And Testimony Of E. Floyd

    As we have been earnestly requested to insert the following memorial without alteration or mutilation, we have consented to do so. Though this so far relieves us from the responsibility of approving of every expression, it does not preclude the declaration of our feeling that we should much prefer the omission of what is said about the Church of England Burial Service. We fully admit, as, indeed, all must, the great beauty and solemnity of that service, but after all, it is but a form, and its miserable prostitution, as read over all indiscriminately, whether they died in Christ or died in their sins, must shock every Christian heart, and has not only grieved hundreds of conscientious clergymen, but has driven many to secede altogether…