David Thomas

David Thomas (1839-1899) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served as an itinerate preacher throughout the course of his gospel ministry.

  • David Thomas

    The Life And Ministry Of David Thomas

    The subject of this sketch was born in a farm-house at Tandridge, Surrey, in February, 1839. He was the seventh child in a family of thirteen, was very delicate from his birth, and suffered from several severe illnesses, his life being despaired of, yet, through the mercy of God, and the tender care of his parents, he grew to man's estate, and still lives at 60 years of age. His parents belonged to the Established Church, and sent him to the Church Sunday-school, where he was taught the Catechism, a Collect, and the Lord's prayer, and in due time, as confirmed, and—to use his own words—“considered fit for heaven at any time." Yet at this time "his heart was full of deceitful pride," and, "like…