David Bartley

David Bartley (1826-?) was an American Primitive Baptist preacher. He served the pastorate of several churches and became a popular itinerate preacher traveling to many parts of the United States. He was a frequent contributor to Gilbert Beebe’s the Signs of the Times and was the author of several books.

  • David Bartley

    Bless The Lord, O My Soul!

    Bless The Lord, O My Soul!” Unto thee, O God, I look; upon thee I call; thou art the refuge of my soul, and in thee alone my soul makes her boast and trusts. Thou art the strength of my life and my hope, from my youth till my old age; for thou didst have mercy upon me, and pardon all my sins, and reveal thy Son in me as thy salvation unto his people and my Redeemer, my life, my righteousness and my glory. Thou, O God, hast given me to rejoice in his name, and he is become my salvation. Yea, I am complete in him in whom all fullness dwells, and with him thou hast freely given me all things. O, my…

  • David Bartley

    The Comfort Of The Scriptures In The Trial Of Faith

    Dear Children Of God: – The holy Scriptures are a divine store-house of heavenly treasures and a pure fountain of spiritual health and peace, but the Prince of the house of David has the keys, and he must set before us an open door. But he first prepares the Souls of his saints for the things which God hath prepared for them that love him, and then he opens to them the sealed fountain of his love. The Lord does this in the way that nature would not choose, and that man’s wisdom would refuse as impossible. For the way of the Lord of life and peace is through fiery trials and great tribulations. His word to us is, “I have chosen thee in the…

  • David Bartley

    Patient In Tribulation

    Paul, the inspired, wrote wonderful truths relating to our salvation, in the fifth chapter of Romans, as also in (1 Cor 15), the two embracing the same central truths of sin and salvation, death and life, by Adam and by Christ, as representing sinners justly condemned in Adam, and the same sinners freely justified in Christ. Herein is revealed the whole fullness of the gospel of salvation. In this gospel the man Adam is embraced as the sinner saved, and the man Christ as the Savior. “By man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.” Sin brought death to men; righteousness brings life to men. Sin and death are by the one-man Adam, unto all men in him; righteousness and life…

  • David Bartley

    Preach The Word, Even When They Turn Away Their Ears From The Truth

    In the gospel of Christ, which is “the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth,” exhortation occupies an important and large place; therefore let us consider it in the light of revelation, meekly and prayerfully. To do so understandingly and profitably, and to the glory of “Christ, we should see the scriptural relation and place of exhortation in the gospel of salvation, that we may neither undervalue nor overvalue it, and that we may see the need and true use of it. The text plainly reveals the need and use or purpose of exhortation with all long-suffering and doctrine or teaching. “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine.“ It was for this cause that Paul thus solemnly charged…

  • David Bartley

    Trials And The Fallacy Of Time Salvation

    Crawfordsville, Ind., Nov. 19, 1899. Elder F. A. Chick – Very Dear Brother In Christ: – The shadow of night is upon our part of the earth, and also a dark mantle of sorrow has fallen upon my spirit to-night, and my heart is troubled, without my scarcely knowing why; for I still realize “The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble: and he knoweth them that trust in him,” and truly my soul does trust in him. “He is my soul’s sweet morning star, and be my rising sun. “And my sad heart would make this humble appeal to him: “Do not I love thee, O my Lord? Behold my heart and see, And turn each cursed idol out, That dares…

  • David Bartley

    Time Salvation

    Beloved:—The Old Baptist people have long been troubled with the confusing doctrines of “means of salvation,” “means of grace,” and such like; but not until the present young generation rose up, who assume to be wise above all the fathers, has the confusing and uncertain Sound of “conditional time salvation“ been trumpeted forth in almost all the camps of Israel. The last ten years this strange and startling blast of trumpets has echoed and reechoed with exciting and bewildering effect, and great has been the widespread confusion and division, where peace and good will prevailed before. This dividing of salvation, and subdividing it into fragments and parts, partly eternal salvation, and partly time salvation, (as the teachers of this yea and nay gospel call it,)…